To begin with, this is donations, NOT commissions or requests, you are more than welcome to give us an idea for a
reskin or leave any thoughts, ideas or even criticism with us. But please do not command us to create reskins, we are currently looking into doing commissions for the future, but as it stands
currently, we are undecided.
Every single penny donated will be split evenly with our team over at Donington Reskins, as it currently stands, none of our current projects are payware and this is looking to be the same
situation for the future to come. Reskinning is enjoyment for us and it makes us very happy to be able to see that of the community enjoying that of our work, so please, feel free to spare us a
penny if you wish.
Thank you.
If you decide to donate to us money, then please feel free to add in the message your name, and you will be added to that of the "Roll Of Honor" as a personal thank you from us! You can also
choose not to have your name on display, the choice is yours!